Audition Central: Fame The Musical JR.
Script: Mr. Myers
Yo, Mr. Myers. I need to be excused from class on Friday. See, they re doing a revival of West Side Story. And I am like perfect for the role of Anita.
I m sorry, Carmen. The last thing you need right now is another character to hide behind.
What s that supposed to mean?
Carmen, the first rule of acting is know thyself. If you don t learn to deal honestly with your own emotions, you ll just be another pretty face that nobody cares about.
(MR. MYERS exits.)
(calling after him)
You re wrong about me, Mr. Myers. I m gonna make it. Cause I got what it takes. From now on I got three things to worry about. Me, myself and I! One day you re gonna see my name up in lights. Carmen Diaz.
Sparkle, girl! Sparkle.
I m talkin Broadway, movies&
Atlantic City, Radio City&
People are gonna shiver when they see me comin &
Shiver, honey. Shiver!
They ll say, There she goes! Carmen! Not the movie, not the opera, but the human being!!!
Carmen& I just heard the news. You re dropping out of school?
Today s my last day. They ll be poppin champagne corks in the teacher s lounge.
I know you ve had your difficulties at P.A., but believe me, no one is happy to see you leave.
Oh, yeah? I wish I could say the feeling s mutual.
You know, Carmen, your anger could be your greatest asset. But you ve got to make it work for you, instead of against you. If you don t, it will eat you alive.
(MR. MYERS starts to exit before turning to say one last thing to CARMEN.)
Look, I can t make you stay. But if you leave, you ll be making the biggest mistake of your life.
(MR. MYERS exits. After he s gone, CARMEN pounds her fist on her locker. SCHLOMO enters.)
So, you made up your mind. And I m the last to hear about it.
Please, don t you start buggin me too.
(CARMEN goes back to packing.)
Carmen, I m your friend. I care what happens to you.
Then be my friend and get off my case.
But you hardly know this guy.
Elliot Green came to New York to scout talent, and he found me!
(slamming her locker shut)
He s got faith in me. Which is more than I can say for you.
But what about the band? What about us?
I can t pass this up. Besides, the band ain t goin nowhere.
Who says? Mr. Showbiz?
He s a professional agent. He s got all kinds of things lined up for me in L.A.
You know what your problem is? You want everything too fast. Instant fame. Unfortunately, that only happens in fairy tales.
(SCHLOMO starts to exit, then without turning back:)
You know, Carmen, you and me, we coulda really been something.
Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hands too much Which mannerly devotion shows in this; For saints have hands that pilgrim s hands do touch, And palm to palm is holy palmer s kiss.
Yo! Julie baby! Have not saint s lips, and holy palmers, too, Mamacita!?
Wait a minute! What s with the ad libs?
I m drawin from my own experience, okay?
But Romeo wasn t born in the Bronx.
(to MR. MYERS)
So what am I doin here?
I cast you in this role so you could stretch yourself.
Mr. Myers, I ain t gonna cut it. You gotta replace me.
You re too busy thinking about yourself. You should be concentrating on the beautiful girl standing right in front of you.
Excuse me. Why, may I ask, are you butting in?
I want to help.
Who needs help?
We do! We do! Sir Lawrence, knock yourself out.
(JOE takes a seat as NICK gets up.)
mean, think about it. Romeo and Juliet grew up in the same small town. They may have seen each other every day of their lives. But on this night, this special night& it s as if he s seeing her for the very first time.
(SERENA is starting to catch the special meaning in NICK s words.)
Maybe it would make more sense if I showed you.
Yeah& maybe it would.
(taking her hand)
O! Then dear saint, let lips do what hands do; They pray, grant thou, lest faith turn to despair.
Saints do not move, though grant for prayer s sake.
Then move not, while my prayer s effect I take. Thus from my lips, by thine, my sin is purged.
(NICK stares at her. The CLASS bursts into applause, whistles and catcalls.)
Let s see a show of hands. How many of you believe this Romeo?