Our Children are in Danger of Having Less Access to the Arts than We Did - and That's Not Okay! Participate in MUSICALS IN OUR SCHOOLS WEEK.
Our Children are in Danger of Having Less Access to the Arts than We Did - and That's Not Okay! Participate in MUSICALS IN OUR SCHOOLS WEEK.
By Jason Cocovinis on March 14, 2012

When: Musicals In Our Schools Week is an annual event held the third full week of March in honor of both Stephen Sondheim and Andrew Lloyd Webber’s birthdays (March 22).
Musicals In Our Schools Week will take place March 19-23, 2012.
Who: Over 1000 musical theater programs and over 100,000 people nationwide will actively participate in events throughout the week.
How to Participate:
CELEBRATE: Musical theater groups are asked to schedule a free public performance during the week. As soon as you know your performance date, time and location, post your event information at: www.facebook.com/musicalsinourschools.
EDUCATE: Elementary, Middle and High Schools in need of a musical theater program may apply to become a part of “NBC’s ‘Smash’: Make A Musical” initiative at www.juniortheaterproject.org/smash-make-a-musical-apply.
PARTICIPATE: Share a story of how your life or your child’s life has been positively impacted by a musical at: www.facebook.com/musicalsinourschools.
MOTIVATE: Volunteer, buy tickets, or take out an ad in a program for your local school musical.
ADVOCATE: Write a letter to the editor in support of musicals in our schools. Check out the The President’s Committee on the Arts And the Humanities “Reinvesting in Arts Education Winning America’s Future Through Creative Schools” for support information.
APPRECIATE: Send cupcakes or a letter of appreciation to an arts-friendly teacher, principal, or administrator.
Social Media Campaign:
Beginning March 19, please change your Facebook profile picture to the Musicals In Our Schools Week image and update your status with the following: March 19-23 is MUSICALS IN OUR SCHOOLS WEEK. Please join me in celebrating the positive impact musicals have on young people.
Each day a different picture with a specific call to action will be posted on www.facebook.com/musicalsinourschools please click on the picture and “share” it with all of your Facebook friends.
Twitter: Use the hashtag “#musicalsinourschools” when you tweet to help spread the word about the importance of Musicals In Our Schools Week.
Throughout the week:Go to www.facebook.com/musicalsinourschools to:
- Post the name of an outstanding musical theater teacher
- Share a story of how your life or your child’s life has been positively impacted by a musical
- Share your organization’s activities throughout the week
- Follow the advocacy activities of other groups
Download our free posters:

Musicals In Our Schools Week Poster 1
Musicals In Our Schools Week Poster 2