MTI Presents $10,000 Matching Grant to EdTA for JumpStart Theatre
MTI Presents $10,000 Matching Grant to EdTA for JumpStart Theatre
By Jason Cocovinis on July 2, 2015
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Earlier this year, Music Theatre International, the Educational Theatre Association (EdTA) and iTheatrics launched JumpStart Theatre, a three-year scalable pilot program designed to bring musical theatre into schools that currently do not have a performing arts program.
MTI matched gifts to JumpStart Theatre on a dollar-to-dollar basis up to $10,000 to assist the three Cincinnati-area schools that were selected for the program in May.
MTI's Senior Operations Officer, John Prignano was on hand at the 2015 International Thespian Festival to present a check for MTI's matching pledge of $10,000.
We couldn't be more proud of our partners and the incredible work being done to promote arts education!