Questions for The Prince Of Egypt
Are there plans to create any rehearsal and performance tracks in the near future?
Are there plans to create any rehearsal and performance tracks in the near future?
Answer this Question Script Adjustment
Script Adjustment
I am a stage director at a Christian school. We are looking to license this production but have a particular issue with Ramses being redeemed at the end as it goes against our religious views. Is there any way we could have permission to put on the show with his redemption scene absent?
Reed and Percussion Instruments
Reed and Percussion Instruments
I'm a music director looking to get the specific instruments for each of the Reed books as well as a Percussion instrument list if possible. Thanks!
Are Rehearsal and Performance tracks available for this production? Possibly Rehearscore?
Are Rehearsal and Performance tracks available for this production? Possibly Rehearscore?
Answer this Question Would you contact me by email when this show is available?