Questions for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Does Charlie and the Chocolate Factory come with performance accompaniment score for schools that don’t have bands??
Availability in NZ
Do you know if Charlie and the Chocolate Factory will be available for licensing in New Zealand in the near future?
Which song: 'What Could Possibly Go Wrong' or 'That Little Man of Mine'
We have the perusal for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, but just wondered if you can please confirm which song Mrs Teavee/Mike sing? In the script part it has 'What Could Possibly Go Wrong', and in the score party has 'That Little Man of Mine' from the US Tour. Please could you confirm which one is used in the current licenced show?
Is there any rehearsal accompainment tracks avaialble for Charlie and the Choclate factory
Just wonderinf if this show comes with rehearsal tracks please or could they be made available for us to use?
Is this show available for school use in Australia?
We are a school in the ACT that does a musical every year and this one is perfect for what we need and just wanted to confirm that it is available to hire if we decide that this is what we want to do?
Will this show be coming out anytime soon?
Answer this QuestionOrchestration
Hi, it already is available for us in Australia - but we need to know what the orchestration is before we can consider it for our school.
What is the orchestration for this show? There's no link!
Is this available for schools in Australia?
Is this available for schools in Australia?